Thank you for all your thoughts and ~ma. It was hard but things were made easy. Dad put Anna in the carrier, and she was calm all the way over. And in the exam room she wanted to jump down and explore (after she got over her nervousness).
I wish I'd asked the vet I'd been talking to to be there as well, the vet (who owns the clinci) who did the procedure, wwell, she could have had better bed side manner. She wasn't bad, there were just a few things she could have said differently.
We were given enough time, I got her to purr (Anna not the vet) and then it went rather quick. So it seems like even though her spirit was still playful and kittenish her body just wasn't. She's buried out at Dad's with several others, he was really sweet and after I put the stones on the grave he asked if I wanted to put flowers on there. So we cut some camellias from his yard and put them around.
I was at mom's and then she brought me home. It's weird. I opened the door and I expected her. Not to come running, but for her to be here. It's awful lonely with a cat. Even though if she were here she'd be sleeping some where.
We both still look for our Percy. {{askye}}
1) The Swiss lived in a cold country and wanted to go somewhere warm.
2) The Swiss were poor (hence the low number of animals)
3)The answer is phrased like a word problem in math for extra humor.
Wow, this is not how I understood this, at all.
I understood it as "they were awfully bored. Enough to join the Pope's army". And the humping line? I understood it as a spin off on the "it's not always about the cuddling".
And the thing is, I know that correcting people makes me sound like a dick
Standing in that corner, though I have to admit that if I think someone I know and love/respect gets a word/fact wrong, I'll start with "say, isn't X a Y?". Also, it's a good approach in case I'm wrong about it.
Edit for being blunthead without thinking. Sorry!
Hugs and sympathy to you askye.
{{{askye}}} Sounds like a lovely way to say goodbye.
Aw, askye, much sympathy from me.
{{askye}} I'm so sorry, hon. That's a hard thing to do. How nice that you have traditional place for her final rest.
I've been wondering if the people who bought the house I grew up in did any digging. There's three dogs, four hamsters and scores of gerbils in the front and back yard. The first dog we lost even got a headstone that was covered up by periwinkle within a few years. I hope they haven't decided to tear up that front courtyard and found the stone that says "Chico." That might freak me out if I didn't immediately realize Chico was a pet.