1) The Swiss lived in a cold country and wanted to go somewhere warm.
2) The Swiss were poor (hence the low number of animals)
3)The answer is phrased like a word problem in math for extra humor.
Wow, this is not how I understood this, at all.
I understood it as "they were awfully bored. Enough to join the Pope's army". And the humping line? I understood it as a spin off on the "it's not always about the cuddling".
And the thing is, I know that correcting people makes me sound like a dick
Standing in that corner, though I have to admit that if I think someone I know and love/respect gets a word/fact wrong, I'll start with "say, isn't X a Y?". Also, it's a good approach in case I'm wrong about it.
Edit for being blunthead without thinking. Sorry!