We both escaped the axe (or at least, that's what it seems like), but morale around here is not exactly fantastic.
This is good to hear, but I'm still thinking of you guys.
And you can totally do this and get through. I have total faith in you, and I don't say that lightly. Also, I know I'm not the only one. Hang in there, you. Hugs and much love.
VW is wise. And Shir. {{Sean}}
{{{Buffistas}}} I love you guys
{{Sean}} They all said it so well I just have to point up and nod a bunch. Give my friend a break. Love you.
And because I can't remember if I just said it in my head or in an actual post this morning!
Happy Birthday to Windsparrow!
Also, I love that I can now see the lovely Shir when I read her posts. Now we just have to get you to a F2F so I can hear the voice too!
My massive rage moment of the day:
For the last at least 5 years one of the huge houses in my neighborhood has had a private billboard in front of the house proclaiming their 'Support of Our President and Our Troops' along with flags and stuff. The day of the inauguration they covered it to now read 'We Support Our Troops' with a printed piece they obviously ordered in advance. My kids told me about it, but I assumed they were messing with me. No, he really has physically removed his announced support of the president. After I stop feeling sick I will write to the newspaper about it, but I am too upset to be articulate at the moment.
I've had several really big jobs, that I was looking forward to, and hoping to do well on. I was hoping to hit at least one (if not all of them) out of the park. I came away feeling that I mostly failed to come through at all. And the stressors in my life, despite many plans to the contrary, aren't in a hurry to leave.
Sean, as the person who was in control of at least a few of those big jobs I can honestly say don't beat yourself up. No, you didn't hit them out of the park, but they all came together and in ways that were better than the year before. I think that's saying quite a bit.
It's been a hell of year, you know that, and I know that. What Kristin says is right, it truly is about how you move forward. As for having what it takes? Well I never would have put you into those positions if I didn't think that was the case, and I still think it is the case, it just may take a little more time before you are hitting home runs on a regular basis. Thing is, home runs look nice for the fans, but they are not what really matters most of the time, a single that sends another player across home plate is much more valuable...did just make a sports analogy, oh dear. So once again, stop beating up no my friend!
Hey Laura - I sent you a note on FB. It is such a small world - I just reconnected with a few friends from the first online group I was ever involved with and one of them has you as a mutual friend. What a small world.
Your neighbor is a dip.
So, in funny/stupid news, I may have told two of my older girls about Throw Rocks at Boys tonight. Oops.
It's all in fun. As long as they don't start throwing actual rocks at actual boys.
Which, when you are talking to small children, is
a genuine likelihood.
grimaces at vw
Good luck, mate!