{{Sean}} They all said it so well I just have to point up and nod a bunch. Give my friend a break. Love you.
And because I can't remember if I just said it in my head or in an actual post this morning!
Happy Birthday to Windsparrow!
Also, I love that I can now see the lovely Shir when I read her posts. Now we just have to get you to a F2F so I can hear the voice too!
My massive rage moment of the day:
For the last at least 5 years one of the huge houses in my neighborhood has had a private billboard in front of the house proclaiming their 'Support of Our President and Our Troops' along with flags and stuff. The day of the inauguration they covered it to now read 'We Support Our Troops' with a printed piece they obviously ordered in advance. My kids told me about it, but I assumed they were messing with me. No, he really has physically removed his announced support of the president. After I stop feeling sick I will write to the newspaper about it, but I am too upset to be articulate at the moment.