defrost/sleep~ma for Vortex so she can tell us all about it!!
ION. Today was delivery day for Girl Scout Cookies. Daughter of boss is the pusher. So I asked, will you be singing the Cookie Monsters song? She doesn't know the song C is for cookie. And then informed me that he's now the Veggie Monster!! Flippin' H-E-double hockey sticks!! What has the world come to!!!!
Are you frozen?
slowly thawing. Hand warmers are AWESOME, I'm sorry that I didn't buy them until we were on the way home.
either way, she didn't know the words to the song, which just seems wrong in so many ways.
either way, she didn't know the words to the song, which just seems wrong in so many ways.
Kids these days are growing up with so many more choices but it's not like there's that many words. Off the top of my head I can sing that song, Rubber Duckie & I Love Trash. Me & Sesame Street were born the same year so we have a connection.
I'm from the pre-Sesame Street generation and childless, so I don't know the cookie song. I can give a rousing rendition of the Mickey Mouse Club song, though.
I can't wait to hear about it, Vortex.
In other news, the sleep-dep/exhaustion thing is causing mega carb cravings.
Guess whose daughter made the Dean's List? Squeeeeee! I should have figured, given her GPA, but it was a nice surprise when she got the letter from the Dean's Office.
Oh Facebook friend requests, you are so random and strange.
Which reminds me, I still haven't responded to that message I got this weekend. Should probably think about that.
So, today was mixed. Inauguration YAY!
Finding out my wonderful ,sweet old lady kitty Anna is probably in renal failure and is going blind and that's why she keeps meowing at night -- not so great.
So. I have an appointment with the vet on Friday. An end of life appointment. She doesn't look that bad though. And she's purring right now.
But, she can't find her way around so well, I can tell. And the vet did tell me renal failure was inevitable. She's almost 20. But I still feel bad for making an appointment to, well...
And she hasn't been sleeping with me at night, curled up with me I hope she does tonight and tomorrow.
I just need some ma.