So, today was mixed. Inauguration YAY!
Finding out my wonderful ,sweet old lady kitty Anna is probably in renal failure and is going blind and that's why she keeps meowing at night -- not so great.
So. I have an appointment with the vet on Friday. An end of life appointment. She doesn't look that bad though. And she's purring right now.
But, she can't find her way around so well, I can tell. And the vet did tell me renal failure was inevitable. She's almost 20. But I still feel bad for making an appointment to, well...
And she hasn't been sleeping with me at night, curled up with me I hope she does tonight and tomorrow.
I just need some ma.
Congrats, SuziQ!
I'm sorry, Askye. Much gentle passing~ma for Anna.
Oh Facebook friend requests, you are so random and strange
Hah! Yes--I just got one from my freshman year of college roommate. Who hated me!! I was like "WTF?"
I kind of wish there were an alternative to friend requests. Like "five minute catch up" requests. "Hi! Yes, I'm alive and I live in Seattle and I'm gay and not married and have no kids and this is what I do for a living. You? Great! OK, talk to you in ten years!"
The facebook version of the ten-year-reunion bumping-into-each other thing.
...I'm just saying, I don't really need to see your status updates all the time.
Oh, Askye, I'm so sorry to hear about Anna. She's been a lucky kitty to have had you for a human. All the ~ma you need, Peace for you, and peaceful passing to Anna.
Poor Anna, poor Askye -- it's so hard to see them go downhill. But it sounds like she's had a wonderful long ride with you. Give her some extra ear-scritches from me.
So sorry, askye. Peaceful passing ~ma for Anna, and comfort for you.
Peacefulness for you and Anna, askye. My sympathies.
My sympathies askye. Peace to Anna.
So sorry, askye. Peace to you.