Oh, Hil. I hope you're sleeping by now.
InmemeNews, I don't know what to do.
Some wonderful, dear friends are having the (pseudo-long story) annual Israeli BuffyParty - the main fandom gathering that's a party per se and not convention. It's fun, wonderful, something I was the manager of in person in the summer of 2006. One of my best friends is the manager of it tonight. Not to mention, I'm one of the core people who got the community started in the first place (ironically, it only started after Buffy went off the air).
I have two papers to write this weekend: going to the party means I won't get the rest and sleep I need and have no other time for, and I'm not sure if I'll even have the time to do all my usual studies on top of that.
And worrying about this is stupid, because I'm worrying instead of making a choice and go with it: I could use the time for studying instead of worry I'll miss material. Hell, even if I won't go I'm not sure I'll manage to do it all, but I'll definitely get more rest.
But I miss those guys, very very much. And I almost don't have any time for myself. And I hate this.
Oy, Hil. You're still up.
Hot bath? Hot bath followed by watching some chick-flick or some really boring show on TV with some caffeine-free tea?
Well, the blog comments I was reading just devolved into what I'm pretty sure is the most pointless debate possible on this issue, so I'm abandoning that for now. I fell asleep right after dinner and then woke up around 10, which is just messing up my sleep schedule now, I think.
Hil, I hope you were able to get some rest last night.
sj, I have some thoughts about the chiropractor. Jump on AIM when you've got a minute, and we can chat about them. (I'm set as away, but ping me anyways.)
WS, dry/cold air can TOTALLY cause throat trouble. I'm glad you've got the humidifier set up. That should help some. But, once it starts, it takes some time to clear up. Drink LOTS of fluids, and do everything you're already doing. {{{WS}}}
Given the white spots and ick on my tonsils, and the fact that I can't lie down without feeling like my throat is going to close up, I decided it was time for actual medical help. So I've got an appointment this morning. And I called in sick to work. Yesterday I really kept on top of drinking plenty of water even though it hurt to swallow. Today I'm not willing to swallow my own saliva. And now I've started to cough.
In Kitty Update News: Tuesday I was at home and supervised their hanging out together. They seemed to do fine, were wary, but not unfriendly toward each other. We were encouraged by this (although I did put Marley back in his room for a couple hours in the afternoon because I thought they were both a little stressed. Well, I know *I* was a little stressed.)
So after Tom came home Tuesday, we let Marley out, though he did often stick to this room. We didn't shut him in there when we went to bed, which led to some kitty v. human shenanigans in the wee hours, but nothing kitty v. kitty.
We went to work yesterday and decided to let Marley be free to roam the house with Taz. When we came home, they were playing with us (chasing a furry thing on a stick- Marley would play with it for a while, and then Taz... we tried to alternate equally between them.) and then Taz started doing this weird thing.
He would stand close to Marley and start meowing loudly, plaintively, and continuously, which makes Marley back away from him, but not run away and not counter attack. After a while, he would growl, but still not attack and not retreat, but either stay locked on Taz or backing up slowly. Then Taz pounces, and they have a quick tussle (nothing serious, but there is hissing and meowing.)
After a few round of this last night, we put Marley in his room and shut the door. Taz plaintively wailed outside of it, and would flop on his side and push his paws against the door, like he was bereft that we took his buddy away from him.
Then when we let Marley out this morning, Taz started the same thing with him! Then they disappeared for a while and Tom found them in the bathroom, flopped on the floor next to each other chilling out. They ran up to Marley's room where he crawled under the bed (his safety spot).
We didn't separate them because my thinking is they have some issues to work out. Any thoughts? Are we doing anything wrong? Did we move too quickly? It seemed like it was going so well, and this isn't exactly *bad*, just weird and annoying.
Sorry for the long cat post- you can see where my energies have been directed all week!
Oof, sorry Andi for the timing of my cat-centric post. I hope you feel better... white spots are definitely a sign to bring in the big guns, I'm glad you made the appointment and took the day off from work.
ION, I am annoyed with my boss for freaking out about the stupidest things. Wow, dude, I *really* don't care. Don't make me say it!
He would stand close to Marley and start meowing loudly, plaintively, and continuously, which makes Marley back away from him, but not run away and not counter attack.
Sounds like Taz is trash-talkin' Marley. But it seems like they're finding ways to co-exist. Best of luck with continued kitty coordination.
WindSparrow, I hope the doctor can prescribe something that clears up your throat problems asap.