Continued healing~ma for Gordon. It sure was good to hear that he came through surgery ok. More peace~ma for you, Niki, and all who love Gordon.
Hil, I wish there were easy answers for anxiety attacks and for political issues. I'm trying hard to not give up hope in general.
Hil, pull yourself away from the computer for a while and do something relaxing if you can.
Generally, I'd go read a book. But the book that I'm reading right now is a murder mystery set in Munich in 1929. Not exactly relaxing. Also, I'm getting pretty stressed about teaching -- this semester is the first time I've been teaching a real math class by myself.
Also, I wanted to sign up for one of the MLK Day of Service things, but all of them were full by the time I got around to it. (My mother suggested using the day to clean my apartment, since the mess is making me more stressed, and since I'm part of the American people, doing something to help myself would still be in the spirit. I'm not quite buying the argument, but I think I might end up cleaning my apartment on Monday, anyway.)
I support sj's offer.
As someone who's going through the "doing what I can do and needs to be done and the rest can be damned", I'm recommending it as well to others.
If we had to care for every other human being on earth, we wouldn't be able to take it all. So doing what you can and needs to be done, and taking care of yourself so it you would be able to do those things that needs to be done. C'est tout.
Oh, Hil. I'm sorry if my posting my link had anything to do with the political anxiety.
My deepest apologies, and feel-better~ma in abundance to you.
If we had to care for every other human being on earth, we wouldn't be able to take it all. So doing what you can and needs to be done, and taking care of yourself so it you would be able to do those things that needs to be done. C'est tout.
Thanks, Shir.
ION, I've seen this link in a few places, and it really seems not on the level to me. [link] (For background, John Robbins is the author of a few really important and well-known books about both animal rights and the effects of meat production on the environment and health. He's also the son of the founder of Baskin-Robbins, though he's been financially cut off from his family since he decided not to go into the family business.)
Still awake. And it's too late now to take something, because anything that I take to put me to sleep now will make me way too groggy tomorrow.
Warm milky drink, perhaps?
Well, I just finished the book I was reading, which ended in totally not the way I expected. So now I still can't get to sleep, and I'm cold, and I'm back to reading blogs. I turned the heat up, added another blanket, and changed into warmer pajamas.
I think the only milky drink I have is Trader Joe's brand soy milk, which isn't that good for drinking -- I mostly buy it for baking with, because I can't really tell the difference between the brands once it's in cupcakes or cookies, and so I don't want to use the expensive stuff for that.