Poor, lousy Erin!
The shorter bob you just got will help, since shoulder length hair often transmits it to clothes and then picks eggs back up again.
Emmett's had lice twice in his li'l kid days. It's not uncommon out here because of the sandy soil.
Emmett's had lice twice in his li'l kid days. It's not uncommon out here because of the sandy soil.
I'm picturing a bunch of toddlers with their heads in the sand, like ostriches. That's probably not the connection, though.
That's probably not the connection, though.
No but it's a good image! Maybe I've got it wrong. I know sandy soil is conducive to fleas, but I think it's also indicated for lice. Anyway, most of the parents I know in the Bay Area have had to deal with it at least once with their kids. I mean, we don't have a lot of bugs out here. Practically no roaches. But lice we got.
IIRC, lice shampoo does make the hair very shiny and pretty. So one looks good while muttering imprecations and cleaning and laundering everything.
And count me among the women who have enjoyed omnis hugging, though it was the affectionate hugging of dear friends rather than a love interest. He's very huggable. Also very smart, kind, responsible, and terribly romantic at heart. He's a fine catch for some lucky lady. They just have to find each other.
:: BLUSH ::
Can I quote that into Match.com? ;)
So, I think I'm going to buy a shotgun and hunt insomnia fairies. That bitch was with me all night again. 3 nights in a row of no deep sleep REM stuff. Grrr. Anyone wanna join the hunting party? I promise, no Cheney in the group, so we should be safe.
By sportbike, do you mean the ones I know as crotchrockets?
No, it was the traditional, Harley style kind, IIRC.
(Cruiser.) Huh. I still have no idea a) how one could do that effectively, and b) why this person has not yet won a Darwin award.
ERIN! Poor You!
Oh, Erin, that's just horrible! Happy hunting and killing today.
brenda, all kinds of ~ma for you.
One of my students was expelled this week and it just sucks. The admin backed him at the expulsion hearing. The expulsion committee rec'd that he stay in school. Then the school board expelled him. He's a good kid who made a stupid stupid mistake and now he's going to suffer a lot for it.
He has a horrible home life, so his education for the rest of the year will be tv, video games, and being yelled at. They won't put him in private school nor will they do any homeschooling. Dammit. I hate this so much.
Punctuation and ~ma for Brenda.
ChiKat, how sad for your student.
Oh noes lice!
If you're bored, listen to this: [link] . It's about 5 minutes of an author (Aimee Bender) reading a short writing piece called 'The Meeting.' I like it immensely.