I think my favorite ever was the morning my girlfriend at the time got up, snuggled me for a minute, and told me to go back to sleep. She took her dog out for a walk...and came back with a breakfast sandwich and a mocha for me, and then more snuggles. Sigh...I hate mornings.
I also hate that I am getting sick. I woke up this morning with a migraine, but after taking my meds, I realized the reason I felt like I"d been run over by a truck was because I was sniffly and sneezy and oh, right, getting a cold. BOO.
Aw, meara, get better soon.
Here's hoping the insomnia fairy falls asleep, and completely misses her rounds tonight.
"Oh, how I hate to get up in the morning?"
My mom used to sing this to my dad, along with taking in a wet washcloth and plopping it on his face. She was a little more gentle with me, it was "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!"
I hope the insomnia fairy passes everyone by tonight. I resorted to half an Ambien last night myself. I'm willing to go one or two sleepless nights, but any more than that and it affects my mood too much. Better living through chemistry!
mandated remedial reading class that I could not get out of
What's the bloody point of that? Insane! Surely REMEDIAL implies that it's for the people who aren't achieving the expected level? Rather than standard?
Meanwhile, can the Minister for Kill The Stupid People please smite the guy who lives in my building whom I've now met for the second time, in that share-the-elevator-and-walk-in-the-same-direction-and-make-polite-conversation kind of way? Because I cannot cope with any more of his xenophobic bullshit. Seriously. Go home to North America, whitey. Do not stay here in Thailand and slag off the entire population of the country, and go off on one about how they are all profoundly immoral to the core, and how they are all liars, and untrustworthy, and how you hate the kids in your class. Really. Just fuck off back home, if you're so unhappy here.
he adds that his wife is Thai, and that she's a liar too, and that she lies to his face - although at least she's not as bad as most Thais. And I'm just standing there like a goldfish. Because, really? This geeky looking, pasty, skinny white boy is HERE IN THAILAND, marrying a Thai girl, because he knows that just by being a farang he can pull girls who would never give him a second glance at home - girls who wouldn't touch him with a bargepole, if they had economic parity with him. That is why he is here. And yet he has the gall to spew all this bullshit about the culture he's taking advantage of?
I don't think so.
And then he adds that his wife is Thai, and that she's a liar too, and that she lies to his face - although at least she's not as bad as most Thais.
Now I'm wondering what lies she's telling to his face.
"I love you."
"That was amazing!"
"Don't worry about it, it happens to a lot of guys."
I've been working on writing the syllabus for the class I'm teaching this semester. It really doesn't help that the department syllabus -- the one that tells which sections to cover, and approximately how many days to take on each -- was written for a different textbook, and no one seems to know where the one for the new textbook is.
Also, there are a few things in the course that I need to learn before I can teach them. This'll be interesting.
I'm earwormed with the entire soundtrack to Mamma Mia!
Just thought I'd share.
Good luck with the syllabus, Hil.
And then he adds that his wife is Thai, and that she's a liar too, and that she lies to his face - although at least she's not as bad as most Thais.
Buh? I cannot wrap my head around this.
Buh? I cannot wrap my head around this.
The distinction is that most other Thais only lie to his arse, figuring that if he's talking out of it this must be where he wants to hold the conversation.