Also, how fucked up am I if visiting my late Grandfather's brother family during the Shiva'h makes me feel better?
My knowledge on various customs is minor, but isn't that the point to the Shiva'h? To help with the mourning process and make you feel better? Maybe some traditions actually work?
Also? IT IS 3.26AM!!! WHY AM I AWAKE????
Fay, welcome to my world. I'd be happy to be sleepy at that time, not to mention sleepING.
oh noes!
If China steals our pron, I don't care how pacifist I am, I'm gonna get them fuckers!
Wil Wheaton's latest column, which I think many a Bitch who cooks will like. Don't miss his byline at the bottom. [link]
:: whimpers :: Dallas doesn't have T-J's. :: sniffle :: I miss my Trader Joe's!!!
Sending the ma~~~ out -- and Ominis , Stay on your feet.
I'd give it another day, Hil, but if there's no improvement by tomorrow probably go check it out.
wouldn't. I've give it another day, and then another, and then probably a week or so of hobbling around before I got my ass to the clinic because I am stupid like that. But for a normal person, I would
another day.]
Well, I wouldn't. I've give it another day, and then another, and then probably a week or so of hobbling around before I got my ass to the clinic because I am stupid like that. But for a normal person, I would advise another day.
Hee. This is me, too. I get to the health center immediately when I can tell I've got a respiratory infection, but other than that, I wait forever.
I was going to go to some more talks at the math conference today, but between my foot hurting and me being exhausted, I think I'm skipping today. Most of the ones that I wanted to see are tomorrow, and all of the remaining ones that I ought to see (because a friend is presenting) are Thursday.
Hil, if they are a bit swollen, do your best to keep them elevated. What does the I.C.E. stand for? Compression, Elevation... is the I actually ice? Aw hell. At least I remembered the acronym, right? This is why I didn't go into medicine.
Also, math conference on days when I'm not presenting? Jeans and sneakers. I love this casualness. I'd kind of expected that I should wear business casual when I was presenting, and nice but not quite business casual for other days, but I looked at what everyone else was wearing yesterday, and people who didn't have talks or interviews were pretty much all in jeans.
What does the I.C.E. stand for? Compression, Elevation... is the I actually ice? Aw hell.
Hee. I learned it as R.I.C.E: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
I heard today that Israel will not cease fire until Hamas stops shooting rockets. Is Hamas like the PLO in that the leadership can't really control what everyone who calls himself Hamas is doing in their name?
Hil, you might want to alternate the ice with a warm epsom salt soak to see if that helps, but definitely go to a doctor if you're still in pain tomorrow.
One thing that used to help me when my legs were sore after a long shift waiting tables is lying in an L shape with my legs supported by the wall for about 20 minutes.