I read somewhere that gay rights groups were pressuring Match.com to open up membership for same-sex dating. Does this mean they're not bi-friendly?
That was eHarmony - they were sued and forced by the courts (I believe the founders were righty religious types). I thought Match always had same sex options, AFAIK, but I don't know how that translates to bi.
Not that I've done either, though I really should consider it.
I was at an engagement party last week actually and it turns out they'd met on Match.
Oh you're right, it was eHarmony. Maybe I should check out match.com.
Several years and two kids ago, my bff got married to a man she met on Match.com. They are quite happy together. Also, because of their happy ending, a coworker of hers and a cousin of his signed up, and ended up dating each other. Don't know the end of that story, as I never think to ask when I'm talking to her.
hmm. My sneaky little foray over to Match.com seems to indicate that I'd have to decide whether I'm seeking a man or a woman. Dang my Kinsey score!
I went out and got some oj so I'm drinking watered down oj (so far 3 12 oz glasses - I had drunk 3 12 oz glasses of water prior to that). I do feel better if not yet 100% and I think that when I was away at Christmas I probably spent days eating too much stuff that was salty etc and not drinking enough water.
I may have to start filling my saved plastic liter bottles so I can keep track of the amount of water I'm getting and also bring some to work.
tee hee...
Me: I had a torta for lunch so I must be feeling better
Mom: is that Mexican?
Me: Mexamerican, I think. It's a sandwich.
Mom: OK, now I know..........is it fried, like a monte cristo, except with tortillas?
Me: no, it's on a bun with tomatoes, lettuce and your choice of meat. At Baja Fresh it comes with a creamy taco sauce that I like to pour on between bites because it's really drippy. In Chicago they just used mayo but you could get one with breaded beef that was totally nummy.
Mom: so it really is truly a sandwich, just like an American Sandwich! Have to try one sometime
Me: Did you know August is National Sandwich month?
Mom: every month is sandwich month according to my taste!
An article about a new type of bra: [link] - the emphasis is on comfort rather than uplift.
I practically lived on those in Mexico City so I'd call them actual Mexican. Though I haven't had them here so I don't know if its the same. Sounds pretty tasty.
Hey, y'all. I'm home! And I have a Taz curled up right next to me. Yay.
Mom: every month is sandwich month according to my taste!
Yet another reason your mother is made of awesome!
An article about a new type of bra: [link] - the emphasis is on comfort rather than uplift.
OK, all I know about bra's is, they are far too hard to take off, but that's from lack of practice. But that one looks like a sports bra without the smooshing. Again, what do I know about bra's?
Pink Ouija board: [link] This is the least mysterious-looking Ouija board I have ever seen.
Ooo for sleep overs. And I wonder if one of the cards are "will my brother and his friends bother us tonight" or something.
OK, I am of the tired now. I found the putting green. I putted for about an hour. It was rather nice. Then I decided to walk around the area for a bit. They have a nice lake, with a swan, and ducks, and some other bird that was rather ugly. There is a fitness trail with a dozen stations or so, each with a different excercise to do. Like a bazillion tennis courts. A dinky driving range (think of a NFL kickers practice station on the sideline, only with golf tee's). So I walked around all of that. Now I am of the pooped. And it looks like a blister is forming on my right palm. Ya, I can hear the jokes already. Eh. It's worth it. The day was far too beautiful to *not* walk around and enjoy.