my name is master's pet. my Master is Sir Kicksyourass. W/we are looking forward to meeting Y/you A/all at the next event lol. i hope W/we make many new friends, if i am not too naughty hehehehe. See Y/you soon! smiles
I want to hurt that paragraph, and not in a fun way. Ugh.
I want to hurt that paragraph, and not in a fun way. Ugh.
If the 2 (or more) people in that relationship want to write that way to each other, rock on. But man, when you post to a list like that, you're subjecting me and other innocent people to your abuse of the English language, and that ain't cool.
I want to hurt that paragraph, and not in a fun way. Ugh.
Paragraph: So, what's the safe word?
Right-Thinking People: Submissive. With a capital "S".
Paragraph: ...but...but...
Right-Thinking People: It's gonna be a bumpy ride...
English needs a safe word!
...Teppy, I am
And I have to say, I feel that all of these people, regardless of their scene preferences, should have their arses kicked into the middle of next week. And their internet connections taken away. Alas, I fear that the threat of an angry and authoritarian Englishwoman giving them a very stern dressing down concerning abuse of the English language would singularly fail to address the issue in any helpful fashion, so I may have to settle for SHOOTING THEM IN THE FUCKING HEAD.
...or, you know. I could just post disapproving and ranty things here. One or the other.
OK, when I type heheheheh, I am meaning Beavis and Butthead style, not "hee hee" giggles. I thought that's what everyone meant. Clearly, I should not extrapolate the sounds in my head when reading to everyone else's head. Doh.
Alas, I fear that the threat of an angry and authoritarian Englishwoman giving them a very stern dressing down concerning abuse of the English language would singularly fail to address the issue in any helpful fashion
Some of them are praying for such an opportunity.
And by "some of them," I mean "all of us."
I don't know if Gunga Din could ever not be funny.
Also, Tep needs to see my favorite H:LOTS ep with the Leather Chain.
Although I haven't watched it myself since poor Adrienne was murdered...that last speech is, well, sort of eerie now.
Back to the heheheheeheheh issue - when I type that, I mean that little chuckle that's kinda like the Beavis and Butthead heh heh heh, only it's smaller and I don't even open my mouth for it.
I hear it as
But whatever blows your skirt up.