Alas, I fear that the threat of an angry and authoritarian Englishwoman giving them a very stern dressing down concerning abuse of the English language would singularly fail to address the issue in any helpful fashion
Some of them are praying for such an opportunity.
And by "some of them," I mean "all of us."
I don't know if Gunga Din could ever not be funny.
Also, Tep needs to see my favorite H:LOTS ep with the Leather Chain.
Although I haven't watched it myself since poor Adrienne was murdered...that last speech is, well, sort of eerie now.
Back to the heheheheeheheh issue - when I type that, I mean that little chuckle that's kinda like the Beavis and Butthead heh heh heh, only it's smaller and I don't even open my mouth for it.
I hear it as
But whatever blows your skirt up.
I don't know if Gunga Din could ever not be funny.
Plus, you know, the bigger name you take, the more insecure I'm gonna think you are. But I am, sadly, the minority, because many many submissives go "Master Pain??? Oh yes, master, yes!" And I'm all, "....riiiiight. Your real name is Mortimer, isn't it?"
The most commanding dominant I've ever met said, "Hi, I'm Catherine." Didn't raise her voice, didn't sneer, didn't use some cornball title. And I thought, "I will follow you anywhere." And indeed, she has scores of men and women who will follow her anywhere. She's hypnotic. Like a cobra.
when I type heheheheh, I am meaning Beavis and Butthead style
Me, too.
Now that I've insulted half the Buffistas, let me say: I'm sorry. That wasn't nice of me, and I sincerely apologize.
Are you sure you don't mean B/buffistas? Can't hurt to be too careful there.
Um, Tep? I can only assume that, because you capitalized it, Gunga Din is a dom's name?
Because that seems like a very odd/counter-intuitive choice to me. Wasn't Gunga Din a servant in the poem?
Tep, When I type "Ya" I have no clue what accent I am using. Sometimes I could be mocking Fargo-esque folk/movie. Sometimes not. (see earlier conversations with accents and how I slip in/out of them real easy). Usually it's because I'm too lazy, or tapping from the iPhone, and "ya" is easier. But, for whatever reason, "yeah" seams too elongated. Like a teenager rolling their eyes.
As for the "quim" quip. How is it that I did not know this word? Dude. I love the quim! Do you think my chances in would increase if I changed my handle to something with Quim in it? Not like I'm have much luck now.
t /just wrong boy
Y'all crack me up with the sub/Dom type. I finally have work to do, and there is an awesome exchange. I'm not paranoid, but I'm really sensing a trend here.
OK, back to finding sheet music. Of course they needed yesterday, so we can't wait for it to be shipped. God forbid they tell me the day before yesterday to save time. Pfft. Whatever.