DJ -- sending you all the best and hope the next job is even better . So glad it is being well handled.
and in job news, Matt and I are releasing all but a little bit. If you read lj , he might have put it there-but he has a job. We just hang onto a little ma~~~ for it too be as good as it looks.
Aw, man, that's crappy DJ. Glad they're handling it in a classy way, but still wish you didn't have to deal with it at all.
Damn, DJ! I'm sorry, girl. You should come to SF and we will drown your sorrows in Chartreuse.
Damn, DJ.
Today, I "volunteered" to help run a high school math competition. "Volunteered" is in quotes because all the grad students in the math department were told in no uncertain terms that we would be volunteering. My assigned duties were several hours in the morning, then a two hour break, then fifteen minutes in the afternoon. There were about five of us with this schedule. Had to hang around doing nothing for two hours, just to do fifteen minutes of work.
Well shit, DJ. Hope you find something great quickly.
Hil, that sounds like show biz. Hurry up and wait.
{{{{{ DJ }}}}} Wanna do something tonight to distract? Do you bowl? (I ask cuz of the cute purse you had on Obama Day) My treat. Call me.
and I can keep in touch with the others through the miracle that is the internet.
It can do that??? No way! I gotta get me one of these "internet" things. Are they dolphin and turtle safe?
My 1989 Pontiac Grand Am was just totaled.
I had parked it out front in the parking space and someone came by, smashed into it, down to the back wheels, and then DROVE OFF!.
The trunk lid is accordioned, the bumper is about an inch off the ground, and the trunk is caved in.
I originally called the police on the non-emergency line, until I got out there and saw how bad it was, and I called 911, in case the driver was hurt somewhere.
They left their License plate behind for the cops, though. The cops found the car abandoned six blocks down.
I'm glad I was not in it, but I now have no car, again.
Jesus H., Daniel. I'm beyond sorry about the car, but I am way, way, way happy you weren't in it.
Damn, Daniel. I'm glad you weren't in the car!
OMG! Daniel! Thank goodness you are safe. But. oMG! I hope it wasn't stolen. But, the license plate sure helps to contact insurance. Much insurance~ma your way.