Is she the one who designed Jackie's inaugural gown? I remember reading about how it was a huge deal that Jackie chose a "negro seamstress" to make her gown.
Actually, no, because Mrs. Parks retired in early 1961, on the eve of the Kennedy Inauguration.
No, I was thinking of Anne Lowe, who designed Jackie's wedding dress. Close, but no cigar for Vortex.
No, I was thinking of Anne Lowe, who designed Jackie's wedding dress. Close, but no cigar for Vortex.
Wow, though, what a move for 1953, in lily-white Newport.
Still gives Vortex points, methinks.
Wow, though, what a move for 1950, in lily-white Newport.
oh, it was a scandal, all right.
Why you really should look before you abbreviate: [link]
Goddamn you, Vortex!
"Thank you for *sniff* calling *sniff choke* how can I OHBAAAHHHHWAAAAHOOOHOOO!"
Aw, crap DJ. Fuck. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Daisy Jane!! {{DJ}} That blows.
Daisy Jane!!! That's terrible.
Aww, Daisy! That sucks hard. I know how hard you worked at that job and enjoyed your coworkers.
I hope the next stop brings good changes.