Every group home supervisor I've ever met has been such a whackaloon, I'm left to wonder who supervises whom.
Of the three houses I work at currently, two are terrific and sane. It's just this one, whose own behaviors are harder to manage than the residents', that make me wanna throw things. They passed over me to hire her, because she has years of "experience" whereas I've only spent about 6 months managing a house.
I can't sleep because I can smell wall paint, and my asthma is not amused.
I'm sorry to hear that, sj. Keep breathing, poor thing.
I can't sleep because I took a three-hour nap when I got home from school earlier today. I needed it, but argh. I have to get back up in four hours. I tossed and turned for an hour before deciding to get up for a bit to see if that tired me out.
Dear person who built my house:
The twenty foot ceilings in the great room are fabulous-- we love the windows.
However, about that little matter of the smoke alarm being placed in a remote corner of the ceiling with no apparent means to get to it when the battery needs changing?
That blows dead bears.
No love from the house of intermittent beeping,
vw, please tell me that awful woman had the decency to look sheepish or embarrassed.
Actually, no. She went on to blame it on my shirt, which felt like a nice kick in the pants on my fashion skills.
The worst group of people to figure out a check at a restaurant: a mix of professional physicists, astronomers and mathematicians. Their kingdom for an english or history major! (OK, so not really that bad but still. )
OMG! This is so true. Bill time while eating out with CBD and his friends (mathematicians and computer scientists) gives me an ulcer. I always pray that the restaurant included the gratuity.
Apparently if it doesn't involve whining until other people's ears bleed, it doesn't count as effective.
This is so ridiculous. The power of behavior modification is strong, and anyone working with children, etc. really need to know how to do that. Blech. I’m so sorry, WS.
If this is the way she thinks is appropriate to talk to people with developmental disabilities, can you imagine how stultifyingly shaming she is to her family?
Oh this just makes me sick to my stomach, and reminds me of the other evil thing that parent did last night. She was running an exercise class for kids, and afterwards she asked me how I do what I do, because she just doesn’t have the patience, and she has no idea how she’s going to get through the next five weeks DOING THIS THING THAT SHE VOLUNTEERED TO DO.
So sorry for the insomniacs!
Oh, how annoying, Barb!
OMG, I slept. Like 8 hours of good sleep. I know I woke up at least once but was able to drop back into sleep. And I don't feel "foggy" this morning. I only took half a pill last night but I think I'm in love.
She was running an exercise class for kids, and afterwards she asked me how I do what I do, because she just doesn’t have the patience, and she has no idea how she’s going to get through the next five weeks
I'd pay good money for a time machine so you could go back and tell her, "Having actual social skills really helps. You should look into it," in a really pleasant, friendly tone of voice.
I'd pay good money for a time machine so you could go back and tell her, "Having actual social skills really helps. You should look into it," in a really pleasant, friendly tone of voice.
Oh, I should have! Instead, I actually gave her tips. Because I'm ridiculously nice. It's kind of sad, actually.
Barb, do you have some sort of poking device?
Morning, all. I am back at work, and feeling more or less better.
Barb, do you have some sort of poking device?
Nothing that'll make a different Nora. The way these smoke alarms are designed, they run on batteries, but they're also wired into the electrical system. When the batteries get low, the alert will continue beeping.
No, when Lewis gets home this afternoon, we'll have to get the big-ass ladder out of the garage and see if we can get to the sucker.
BTW-- glad you're feeling somewhat better.