Barb, I'm really glad you didn't eat your own arm. It would have filled you up, and there's no way it would taste as good as the stew.
One class, right now? First class, would be a quilting for reals and not making shit up on my own class - which I would have taken last winter but I need a walking foot for my sewing machine, and the one they had at that little quilting shop wasn't quite right. (And it is an enormous PITA to haul my sewing machine up to the Cities to a proper Brother dealership to get a proper Brother walking foot.)
Other classes I'd sign up for from our community education extension except they seem to schedule interesting classes only when I'm at work include ballroom dance and conversational Spanish. Thbbbbpt.
I want a life-drawing class, with a really good instructor. I want to understand density, texture, light, perspective in a way that gets it from eye to brain to hand to paper. I want that with a ferocity it's difficult to express. Or clay. I think clay would be easier to execute, but I really would like to take a serious run at drawing. Just to be able to do it.
If you could take one class right now, just for yourself, what would you study?
Pattern drafting, or singing/vocal lessons. (I used to have a much better singing voice, and I miss it.)
Add me to the list of insomniacs for last night. Pete drove me into work this morning so I could have an extra hour of sleep.
Barb is a food tease, pass it on.
I miss my middle school art class: those big giant plastic bags full of blocks of gray clay that you'd cut big chunks off off with a nice thick wire. The clean heavy feel of that fat slice of clay lifting off into your hands, what a big slice of nothing it was, how it could be absolutely anything by the end of the hour. Mmmmmmm.
Oh, YES. One year we spent about a month making huge papier mache animals, and I made (for reasons that are still unclear to me, really) a toucan. I LOVED it. Shaping the body, all that wet pasty stuff, and then "painting" it with layers of tissue paper. I had that stupid bird for years and years.
I should really take a shower. I am currently entranced by the Bumpits commercial (plastic thingies you put in your hair to "bump it up!").
If your bored and want to watch a little clip on our production of A Christmas Carol, feel free to go here:
Dunno why they call it Hollywood411 when it's in North Texas. Whatev. They talk about how the theater has teamed up with the North Texas Food Bank and how we raise over $1,000 cash every night for them, which I think is very cool!
{{{{ }}}}} for Daisy Jane. She needs some right now folks.
I took a ceramics class in high school for my art requirement that I really enjoyed. The teacher would show us various techniques and then assigned a project utilizing that technique, leaving it up to us to choose the form of the project.
Twenty-five years later, I still have my wheel project (a small catch-all cup with sparkly clear glaze), kept my box project for several years (a travel trunk with incised destination stickers saying "Paris," "Egypt," etc.), but got overly ambitious with the coil project and tossed it immediately after grading (a Medusa head with snakes for the coils, most of which fell off before coming out of the kiln).
ETA: Much ~ma and {{{}}} for Daisy Jane.