I took a ceramics class in high school for my art requirement that I really enjoyed. The teacher would show us various techniques and then assigned a project utilizing that technique, leaving it up to us to choose the form of the project.
Twenty-five years later, I still have my wheel project (a small catch-all cup with sparkly clear glaze), kept my box project for several years (a travel trunk with incised destination stickers saying "Paris," "Egypt," etc.), but got overly ambitious with the coil project and tossed it immediately after grading (a Medusa head with snakes for the coils, most of which fell off before coming out of the kiln).
ETA: Much ~ma and {{{}}} for Daisy Jane.
I used to have a much better singing voice, and I miss it.
I was a first soprano in college. I might manage 2nd soprano now. I'd like to be able to hit the top note in the Hallelujah Chorus again.
I still have the slab clay old fashioned radio thingy I made in Ceramics class.
Yeah, I need to hit a class of some sort.
~ma for DJ
I am home sick with Ick. Tom made turkey noodle soup which was very nice. I swear, it's probably the biggest placebo ever, but I always feel better after soup. Watching Law & Order as well as Get Your War On on 236.com. I hope I feel better so I can get to work tomorrow. (I'm using up my last sick day till my anniversary in January!)
~ma to DJ
So I'm at school and was feeling better earlier, but now I'm feeling myself slide back into teh ick. I just want to wrap myself in a blanket and go to sleep.
Feel better, Nora!
~ma to DJ.
ETA you feel better, too, Kristin!
Feel better Nora and Pix--
~ma to DJ
Sigh. My company's new healthcare plan is BULLSHIT. It's going to be such a big pain in the ass. And hella expensive. And complicated. Jesus. SO ANNOYING. Why aren't things normal anymore where it's all "$X when you go to the doctor, and $X if you go to the ER, and blah blah blah"? No, instead it's all % this and deductible that, and this dollars out of that paycheck, and debit cards, and reimbursing MYSELF, and craziness. And savings accounts that cost me money. BULLSHIT. HATE.
Intro to Physics, or maybe Remedial Algebra, to find out if my brain can handle the math.
I know this would be like the least popular event in the history of EVAH, but I kind of wish we could have a little "Math - WAY more fun than you remember" thing at a F2F sometime. We could play games, do logic puzzles, get all excited and enthusiastic over number theory and imaginary numbers, and generally try to reverse some childhood trauma.
Oh, and also, your brain can totally handle the math. Whether you get a teacher who opens the right door for your brain to go through is the problem. Er, I think. I mean, maybe you have dyscalculia and your brain literally can't handle the math and I'm being all insensitive and "all you need is some gumption, dagnabbit" about it, but as far as your intelligence goes, you see, you can totally...
Online babbling is a sign of over-active procrastination glands. I gotta get that seen to.
I'd really like to take some computer science classes.