I think you probably need a farm or a ranch with your house smack in the middle of several dozen acres so as not to "hear the neighbors".
Or up here. It's downright spooky, sometimes -- the only noise I hear is, rarely, guns. Occasionally a hunting dog far away -- but when I'm inside, I hear nothing. It's weird. There are houses within sight, but I've never heard a peep from them.
Off to a faculty meeting. Le yay!
Hey, Beverly, the free weekly newspaper here in New Orleans just did a cover story on "Frank's Place."
I think there are some sidebars in the paper that aren't included in the article. Maybe I can type them up later.
Oooh, thanks, Dana! Off to read.
Suzi, you are needed in email.
sj, this house sits on an acre. There isn't a sunny weekend goes by that somebody, and usually several somebodies, isn't weed-whacking, mowing, leaf-blowing, chain-sawing (limbs, or firewood, depending on season). The neighbor on one side has the empty double lot across the street from us as a vegetable garden which feeds six grown kids, a raft of grandkids, some grown and with kids of their own, plus many of their co-workers. Perfect strangers have been pulling up in our driveway to ask if the greens patch belongs to us--we send them to him, he hands out grocery bags and tells them to have at it. But he has a big old tractor that he runs three seasons a year, and it's loud. On the other side, they have their grandkids over every weekend, and from 2PM till dark, they run two go-karts around the homemade track in their back yard, pppbbbththllbbbbppptttt, for hours on end. At other times they have two little yapdogs, a mini dachshund and a hairy rat, both of them nervous and aggressive and so threatening they jump backwards everytime they bark. A lot. A lotalotalot.
This is true, but those noises really don't bother me as much. Slamming doors really freak me out for some reason, and I hate hearing other people's voices because it wreck my ability to concentrate on anything else. I do realize that this is more my issues than my neighbor's issues.
Suzi, you are needed in email.
Careful, she's slap happy today.
Perkins, are you getting a holiday party from lexis & westlaw? They are not giving us one! Boo!
Sarah! You couldn't have clue-sticked your neighbor because you were in Colorado with me.
Psst - Perkins is a big baby about snow.