sj, this house sits on an acre. There isn't a sunny weekend goes by that somebody, and usually several somebodies, isn't weed-whacking, mowing, leaf-blowing, chain-sawing (limbs, or firewood, depending on season). The neighbor on one side has the empty double lot across the street from us as a vegetable garden which feeds six grown kids, a raft of grandkids, some grown and with kids of their own, plus many of their co-workers. Perfect strangers have been pulling up in our driveway to ask if the greens patch belongs to us--we send them to him, he hands out grocery bags and tells them to have at it. But he has a big old tractor that he runs three seasons a year, and it's loud. On the other side, they have their grandkids over every weekend, and from 2PM till dark, they run two go-karts around the homemade track in their back yard, pppbbbththllbbbbppptttt, for hours on end. At other times they have two little yapdogs, a mini dachshund and a hairy rat, both of them nervous and aggressive and so threatening they jump backwards everytime they bark. A lot. A lotalotalot.
This is true, but those noises really don't bother me as much. Slamming doors really freak me out for some reason, and I hate hearing other people's voices because it wreck my ability to concentrate on anything else. I do realize that this is more my issues than my neighbor's issues.
Suzi, you are needed in email.
Careful, she's slap happy today.
Perkins, are you getting a holiday party from lexis & westlaw? They are not giving us one! Boo!
Sarah! You couldn't have clue-sticked your neighbor because you were in Colorado with me.
Psst - Perkins is a big baby about snow.
Thanks, Nicole. I'll save that alibi for another day because the mom came home and reamed them out for something. Have you had a lot of snow so far?
failures like me
I missed this the first time around reading and I call total shenanigans.
You are NOT NOT NOT a failure, my luverly. Not by any stretch of the imagination.
O poo-poo your claim.
Perkins, are you getting a holiday party from lexis & westlaw?
not that I know of.
Psst - Perkins is a big baby about snow.
well, duh. You say that like it's a bad thing.
I love Facebook. But I'm a pretty social individual. It's a great way to let, say, a bunch of people in my town know about the cd release show we're having this Saturday without having to have all their email addresses.
Maybe we don't have a lot in common but, whatev, people are interesting even if their lives aren't like mine. It's not like we have to be best friends because we exchange messages on Facebook now and again.
Anyway, it's just a tool not a religion or anything.
I HATED having neighbors above and below me but can barely ever hear the neighbors on either side of me. WOOHOO stone and brick construction!