I'm feeling the need to send a note to the new Artistic Director, who clearly is very saddened by this ordeal. Trying to come up with something nice.
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to anger. No, wait, hold on. Fear leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side."
Erin, I've been having a one-process color with touch ups in between. Because I'm a big old coward, I bought Clairol Natural Instincts in "toasted almond" (light golden brown) because the before and afters seemed to roughly match my hair. I figure that by the time it wears off, either I or my stylist friend will know what the hell we're doing with our lives. Or not.
My hair was just washed. It's also probably too short, but that's another story. How long should I wait before coloring it? The instructions seem to imply the hair should be less than clean.
I usually give it between 12 and 24 hours between washing and coloring.
Oh God the corporate speak on this conference call is killing me. I can feel my soul dying!
OMG. The third company wants to talk to him today about an offer. Insane!!!
I love that Tom's a WANTED man. Good for him!
Today is just never going to end. I have at least an hour until I can try to sneak out of here and that's 59 minutes too long. Maybe I'll try to clean my desk to pass the time. Unless someone posts a good time suck, that isn't blocked by my work, that I can get lost in...
t kinda-sorta-meara
Happy birthday, Sparky!
Go Tom! That's awesome news.
Ginger, towel-dry your hair so it's not sopping, then go ahead and color it.
Teppy, if venting and complaining make you feel better, than DO THAT. When I was dealing with the horrible panic attacks a few years ago, the was I coped at work was to lock myself in my office and try to focus on work. Because talking to people (as in talking face-to-face or on the phone) would make me flip out again. If I couldn't lock myself in the office, I would go for short walks outside.