Wipe any spills up immeditely, on body or bathroom.
This. I have a washcloth that is specifically for when I color my hair. Before I start coloring, I dampen it with a mix of shampoo and water so that I can wipe up drips or spills quickly and easily.
Thanks guys-- I like when I have these rare inspired moments because it's something that's got set parameters and again, direct consequences.
omnis, I figure letting him choose gives him SOME agency. This time. Plus it gives me leeway-- if he screws up yet again, then I get to choose or the number of games goes up. No need allowing the hammer to completely fall this time.
Love the parenting, Barb. It also makes me want to put some of the $ I send in to BestFriends.org in Nate's name. He shouldn't have to be bad in order for animals to be treated well. When he's good, I'll donate the money on his behalf--does that work?
Happy Birthday, Sparky!!
Trying to come up with something nice. Like, pressure is what makes diamonds.
Maybe keep it succinct like that.
Or say "Pressure is what makes diamonds. Of course it also makes toothpaste squirt out of a tube, so there you go."
Barb, clearly you are wise. And this is why you are a parent, and not I.
Thanks Daniel, dunno if that would make him feel better.
I love Bitches' parenting, and I love how Bitches got Bitches' backs. I swear by all that is holy, it heals some of what was messed up in me, seeing and hearing you get stuff right that wasn't so right when I was young.
Omnis, that is a tough situation. Here's to you and your coworkers weathering this with sanity in tact. Or at least, no further compromised than it already is.
t sneaks in to quietly wooo that Tom has another job offer! Tiny woo.
Tom is awesome. Pass it on.
No problem. Just a suggestion. Sometimes too much earnest diamond talk is all you get when things are down.
I guess it also depends on the person you are trying to reach.