Tep, lots of good advice here. I hope some of it helps. My only two cents is that I wish I was a tenth articulate as you, especially when under pressure. My technique was learned from the same book as Ginger and Nicole. If writing about it is what helps you make it through, please don't stop. If you honestly feel it's hurting, then do stop.
I don't think I added a Yay, Tom! to the congratulations yesterday. As I said, I'm in a particularly inarticulate hole right now. But I do wish everyone well and all the ~ma and Whoohoos they could want.
Also, each licensed driver in a family must have their own car. If elected this is on my list of first action items.
Tep, I'm not sure I can add anything that hasn't been said better by someone else already, but I really do think that
We love you and want to help.
pretty much sums it up.
Hi, folks. You've all been in my thoughts, and I've been following as much as I can, but working for a startup has meant not a lot of time to post.
"So why is he posting at this silly hour of the (Pacific time) morning?" I hear you ask.
Because the aforementioned startup has hit the wall (thank you, economic uncertainty! -- not) and today is my last day at work.
And I'm too numb to even be scared.
((((Teppy))))) Please listen to the wise people here. We're here if you need us.
Hil, as I think I. May have already mentioned, what you have been describing lately sounds very much like my anxiety attacks. FWIW, they never come when I am feeling particularly stressed. I tend to have them at the movies or out to dinner with friends or just relaxing at home.
What everyone else said, Teppy.
Oh Karl, love. I am so sorry. Anything on the horizon, or have you not had the power to think about it yet?
Happy Birthday, Sparky!!!
Aw, Karl, that sucks. It's nice to see you here, but the reason why you have the time is crappy. Much job~ma for you.