I'm vain about the silliest things. Here we have a pictorial of 11 former hunks who look crummy now. [link] The only two I ever found amazingly attractive, imho, still are. (Look, Jude and Wesley are not being saints, but they're still purty.)
Ah, Vince Vaughn, you were so hot in Swingers. I forget that, sometimes, and then I see pictures and am sad.
Then again, Ricky Gervais used to be a slim pretty boy. [link] So.
Curiously, I find Large Val Kilmer more appealing than Ripped Val Kilmer. I think it's the Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang associations in my head.
And while I don't find Crowe attractive in the least, he doesn't really look much less so with the ponytail. Not sure why he's on the list. I mean, if they're comparing him to Gladiator-era Crowe, the dude already had a rep as a Huge Enormous Tool by then.
And while I don't find Crowe attractive in the least, he doesn't really look much less so with the ponytail. Not sure why he's on the list.
I'm thinking that with Crowe and Gibson, it isn't so much that these guys are really changing like Kilmer, as their unattractive personalities are coloring which photos people pull - I get the feeling they could clean up pretty good if the occasion called for it. And I have to say that with that bloat around his face, I wonder if Kilmer's got some health problems that he is not revealing, that are causing it. That really looks to me like more than just some added pudge.
That's the thing-- they're not really ripping on the guys so much because they've lost their hotness, but because they've become utter dickheads (or bigger ones) with the losing the physical hotness as sort of an ancillary thing.
Damn, Plei-- I had no idea that Ricky had once been so Bowie-esque.
And they used Nick Nolte's mug shot ... sigh.
I never think I like Russell Crowe until I see a movie he's in, and then, I get all awibble. I know it's the character and not phone-throwing, crazy dude I fall for, it's the extra woobie, vulnerable, and sometimes batshit nutzoid that I fall for.
I'ma give a Russell Crowe Character FCM - John Biebe, John Nash, Maximus.
F - John Nash (Hey crazy is fun)
C - Maximus
M - John Biebe
Damn! Forgot about Bud White!!
Yeah, Ricky was PRETTY. I occasionally like to shock myself with this knowledge. There are clips from the videos on YouTube, too.
That's the thing-- they're not really ripping on the guys so much because they've lost their hotness, but because they've become utter dickheads (or bigger ones) with the losing the physical hotness as sort of an ancillary thing.
Yeah, but I maintain that Crowe (and Kilmer) have been at the same general level of toolhood for *decades*. Crowe, possibly, has become less overtly tooltastic. Kilmer's just become more of an eccentric tool.
I have a lot love for eccentric tools.
t snickers like 12 year old