((((Beverly and family))))
And sort-of adding to the chorus -- From the map, it looks like the Bethesda Marriott is a bit of a walk to Metro, maybe 4-6 blocks. On the other hand, it's hard to beat $89 a night in the DC area for anything even vaguely connectable to downtown.
Also, ((((Matt and family)))). Because I didn't see the post until after I posted the above.
I'm so sorry, {{{Matt}}}. What an awful thing.
Matt, sorry to hear about the family. You're in my prayers.
Matt, I am so sorry. Peace and comfort to you and yours.
Matt and Beverly -- all my sympathy to you and yours right now.
{{{{Beverly}}}}} Peace to you and yours.
ARGH. My mother has, after many different ditherings and hour long phone calls on the pros and cons, that she wants to cook for Thanksgiving instead of going out as we decided WEEKS AGO. I know this sounds shitty, but I am sick of making decisions, going over and over and listening to her go back and forth, and then have her change her mind. It's getting on my fucking nerves. What's the point of wasting my time with this bullshit if you're just going to change your mind. Plus, more often than not, she's changing her mind because someone complained or had some other idea or whatever. I realize that she's in a wierd place emotionally, and she has this fear that her friends will get upset and abandon her or something if she upsets them, so she does this shit. It doesn't piss me off any less.
Just fyi, turns out there's a religion founded in Salt Lake City that makes the Mormons sound reasonable. Really.