Pet peeve: why, if someone you've known forever, makes a suggestion that you disagree with, would you want to persist in the habit of ignoring what they said and repeating your own idea as if they'd agreed to go along with it instead of suggesting an alternate. Whywhywhy. y
Another Overheard in The Office:
Guy to librarian: So, I heard y'all books here?
Dr. Horrible made Time's list of the year's best inventions. [link]
hmm, Taz is being weird. He was pouting that we fed him wet food and ignored it and ignored it and hassled us while we were trying to get back to sleep (I woke up and fed him close to his regular time and then went back to bed). We finally get out of bed and he is meowing plaintively for a while at Tom's feet in the kitchen and then comes out to the living room where I am and starts heaving and throws up... nothing, really. As if to show us the empty contents of his stomach.
This freaked us out some and then we added a bit of dry food to his wet and also put out some tuna but he's still not really eating and is meowing at us and stuff.
Is he just being a drama queen or what? He didn't eat much last night either. Though he does go through periods where he's just not much of an eater.
Thanks for the sympathy guys. Funeral is today. We're meeting up after.
We've had a very productive morning here, but the housework is still not done. I hate how that happens.
ION, Happy Birthday to Sox's Iris!
I just found out Clint Black did a cover of Monty Python's The Galaxy Song a couple of years ago.
Argh. My mother is driving me nuts. I've got to see a few different specialist doctors for various stuff. Whenever one of them does something she doesn't like, she tries to convince me that I should find a new doctor. (None of this has been any horrible stuff -- things like one of them isn't testing my cholesterol as often as she thinks he should -- he's testing it twice a year, and she thinks it should be tested four times a year.) If I listened to her, I'd probably never see any doctor more than twice. I think continuity of care is more important than seeing every doctor in the city until I find the perfect one.
(Also, I admitted to her that I forgot to get my cholesterol meds refilled, so there were about two weeks when I wasn't taking them until I finally remembered to go to the pharmacy, and she's now treating me as if I totally cannot take care of myself or follow doctors' instructions at all.)