If people are going to lie, at least lie about something that isn't so easy to check up on.
can he be flagged as a potential violator of the ethics policy of the school. If he's going to lie about that, would he be likely to cheat, steal, plagiarism? Or lie about other projects? I dunno. Anything to prevent him from invading your world.
What? Me? vindictive? NSM.
I would like Jeffery Dean Morgan for Christmas.
Get. In. Line.
I think Perkins and Juliana called dibs.
Maybe he didn't realize you can look up the status of a delivery? In which case, yeah, far too dumb.
Going to get cajun before I have to deal with the unpleasant phone call. I'm thinking he'll be out of it until after 2.
As a counterpoint to nutbar priest, my great-aunt who is an Ursuline nun and many of the nuns in her convent are huge Obama supporters.
The nuns who ran my high school (who I also do freelance work for now) are Ursulines, and they kick ass. WAY back when I was just out of college and trying to get a job, I wrote freelance for a lot of local publications, and I got to interview an Ursuline nun who was active in Turkey, building shelters and clinics for women and children. She talked in vague terms about "AIDS prevention," and I asked her if she meant condoms.
She said "I know this isn't fair to you, but I have to speak off the record if you'll allow it."
I said sure, and she said that officially they couldn't promote any form of birth control, but that if big boxes of condoms *just happened* to be placed in prominent locations in their shelters/clinics, well, the women were able to take them, weren't they.
I think I said something like, "I LOVE that, and you are amazing! ....Shall we go back on the record now?"
{{DJ & friend}}
Yeah, add me to the wondering if the whole world has taken their stupid pills.
Less than an hour ago, I very nearly rear-ended a car with the bumpersticker "Liberalism is a mental condition."
hands Vortex a shot of Fernet
{{{{DJ}}}} Aw, hon.
I think Perkins and Juliana called dibs.
MINE MINE MINE MINE. (Bonus tattoo AND guitar in that last one.)
Speaking of students, I just had to leave the Reference Desk and put up a sign for people to find me in my office because one of our students was chewing a big wad of gum so loudly with his mouth open I was grossed out.
Well, the sun is out and the snow is slowly melting away. Gonna take me a while to get used to this.
I told y'all about the dude with the bumper sticker on his shiny SUV that said something to the effect that vegetarians are wimps because meat eaters go out and hunt for their food, right?
Because I would bet my ass that dude was on his way to Central Market to buy whatever snootified meat they have behind the counter. This is Dallas; YOU ARE NOT DAVEY CROCKETT!
I had no idea about the Ursulines, but now I am starting to love them. Awww.
Asshole kid's mother just called me and claimed that he got the application after the deadline. Just checked FedEx, and he got it SIX days before the deadline.
Good grief. That's dumb. (Also, I had no idea you still had to request applications by mail--can't you download everything on the internet, these days?)
The talk of grandmothers dying during finals makes me feel guilty that my grandmother really DID die during finals, my freshman year of college. Although as far as I remember, the only thing that I did was request from one prof to take the exam EARLY (which, sure, is still a request, and to leave school early, but...). My mom drove up earlier than she would've otherwise, and packed up my room while I took my last exam (which, since the prof let me take the other one a few days early, was on like, Saturday instead of Tuesday or something).