I checked Overheard and nothing jumped out at me, but I also fell down some stairs this morning and might have a concussion, so that could me hindering my ability to see the funny.
I hope there's a new Supernatural tonight.
I am looking at the "Most Popular" quotes. [link]
Did you see where on Larry King last night she said she was "proud" of Barack Obama?
No, Sarah, it doesn't work like that. And that is how we know your purported Christianity is worthless. You don't get to say the shit you said during the campaign, then turn around and say this tripe, and have anyone ever believe a word that comes out of your mouth. Ever. Go on, tell me the sky is blue. Let me demonstrate my faith in you by deliberately walking to a window to see for myself.
And, to show how they know their audience, the Sunday arts section ran a large photo of Daniel Craig. With a caption confessing that there was no particular reason to run it, except something along the lines of "look at him!"
For the people who like to look at Daniel Craig, it's certainly reason enough. That's far greater honesty than Sarah Palin has ever committed.
Go on, tell me the sky is blue. Let me demonstrate my faith in you by deliberately walking to a window to see for myself.
It's pretty gray around here today. But I'm sure I'm nowhere near either you or Sarah Palin.
Thanks everyone for all the happiness! I'm pretty freakin' psyched myself.
I am also at the library, getting fax numbers so I can get my transcripts and also, my chauffuer's license. Hee.
So now I have to go get my printouts and, you know, BOOKS, but I'm just so grateful for all the support and commisseration y'all have given me during this long-drawn out campai...er, job search.
Last night, I had a stack of things to copy. Copy machine broken. No copies. But, copy machine repair man working.
This morning, staff meeting. Then, ran to make a couple of absolutely needed copies. Copy machine still broken.
I don't think I can express how much I hate making copies.
Heh. One of the "Ten Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Teaching" from my column was about copier repair.