Is that including taxes, or non-stop (or at least, easy/nice stops, if that's easier)? It's probably a decent fare, if it includes taxes.
You might want to take a look at Farecast--it predicts airfares. (for example, Farecast is saying that for a trip on Fri-Sun of the F2F weekend, currently it costs $302 to fly BWI-SEA, but if you'd booked it a few days ago it would've been $245, so best to wait a few days because it will likely go back down)
Ooh, thanks, meara. Yeah, that includes taxes and is from BWI. I will check out that site.
I found out today I might not have a job come Monday. With the number of people being let go my chances aren't awful but I'ma hold off making f2f plans until I know for sure.
Newbie f2f question. I'll be filing out the time off request, and wondering when best to arrive/depart to enjoy the festivities? 3 days are listed. Is first/last trickle in/out of folks? Or are all 3 days filled with folks? Or is this a totally nutri question whose answer is "depends"?
Omnis, most people arrive sometime on Friday and leave Sunday afternoon/evening.
Omnis, as an example, I'll be getting in Thursday near midnight (which means I eat a night at the hotel for a couple of hours of sleep, but whatever) and I'll be leaving almost as late Sunday night (which means I'll be keeping busy after checkout time).
I wanna go to F2F but i fear I've waited to long to get this set up.
Bollocks! Plenty of time! Go for it! Carpe diem, etc etc!
Seriously - the hotel isn't even 100% set at this point.
Book it! Our city is fun! I may attempt to be COMPLETELY MENTAL and make a pancake breakfast for people! Let us see how many peeps I can brunch!