Cross posted with Beep Me:
As some of you know, I talked about a vacation in the U.S. and it seems like it will actually happen this summer, around June and July. I'll finally be able to see you guys, yay!
Now, as a young watcher said once, it's all about the preparation. So I made a GoogleDoc spreadsheet with questions for you to fill to help me plan my vacation and understand the perfect route so I'll be able to meet as many of you as possible in person. I know it might be too early to know for many of you, but I just need to have a general idea about destinations - that is, where I'm gonna land in the flight(s) from Israel, and where I'm gonna take off from back to my country. The sooner I know, the cheaper the tickets will be.
Want to meet/help me and fill that spreadsheet? Most excellent, thank you! Email me in profile addy and I'll give you access to it.
Questions? Comments? (Yes, I'm excited. I'm thrilled. I might be needing a thesaurus to fully express how happy this makes me. You've been part of my life for years, and I can't wait to meet you).
Shir! I hope I get to meet you!
Shir, I wrote to your profile addy, but from my work account, which oftens ends up in peoples' spam filters. So please check yours. :)
Shir, I hope you can spend some time in LA
Come to LA! We have a guest room!
Hope you can spend some time in Seattle. I can sort of justify a train journey from LA to Seattle. Buffistas in San Francisco, Portland Oregon, me in Olympia. So you'd have lots of Buffistas along the way. Of course then you'd have to fly from SeaTac to your next leg, and SeaTac is not the world's most convenient or least expensive airport. (USAians are laughing at the understatement on the latter.
Awww, you guys. Thank you so much. I sent invitations to the spreadsheet for all the emails I received (I truly had the bestest email box this morning), so if I missed you, do tell!
My very general scheme, with cities and places being added to it as I discover where my friends are, and only to get you a general idea of the plot and directions, goes as following:
New York > (possibly another place on the East Coast) > Chicago > (two or three places in the South and middle) > LA > SF > Seattle area (most possible more than one place) > back home.
I also said I'll visit Erin in Kansas, and I'm quite looking forward to see a bit of the South (my vacation in 2007 included 3 extended weeks on the West Coast and a bit of the East coast. I totally missed all the stuff the South and the middle states have to offer, and I'm quite looking forward for that).
Also, a small request: do remind me, as often as possible, just how big your country is. I am from a country you can cross in 6 hours in a car and that's considered a long drive, so I got a very poor idea, just looking at the map, when it's gonna take 10 hours by a bus and when I'll be better with a flight.
Also II, and that's for later, but most chances I'll need your addresses and phone numbers - when I visited in 2007, apart of asking me to answer some questions in each and every airport and triple-checking my passport, security showed interest in making sure I'm travelling around visiting real existing people. I don't know how airport security is 7 years later, but be prepared to get a call from them.