Okay. We get in to SF Thursday afternoon. I would give an approximate time, but, well, we're us, and nothing ever runs on time for us. Plus, it took 3 hours just to get from SFO to Petaluma (and Mendocino is WELL PAST Petaluma), so I can't even try to guess how long it will actually take us to drive down. So let's say late afternoon? I sincerely hope.
We'll probably run to TJs after we unload all our crap, but then will probably just hang out Thursday night. People are welcome to hang out, but I have to warn you that I've been falling asleep by 11:00 all week. Not "going to bed, where I read for 2 hours and then maybe fall asleep" -- no, I'm talking pass out cold like a dead man without Ambien at 11:00. I don't remember having such a hard time adjusting to the time change on previous trips. I am a very old woman now.
Friday we have to return our rental car and I think are taking a tour of the Armory (where kink.com films its stuff -- Tim is totally stoked for this) in the afternoon. I'm not sure about dinner plans for Friday yet.
Saturday evening is the shindig at our place. I'm thinking 7:00, because, like I said, I may fall asleep at 11:00, which is disgraceful in a hostess, but I'm uncouth like that. Deb Grabien is going to bring some tasty food (something chocolate, and possibly an entree of some kind -- either vegetarian or...not). I was figuring we could get various tasty stuff at TJs to feed people, if that sounds okay.
Sunday our flight doesn't leave until 7 p.m., so we're free during the day, although I definitely owe Hec and JZ pancakes for letting us park our suitcases with them until we leave for the airport, since we have to be out of the apartment by 11 a.m.
Kind of a vague itinerary, but we're not being highly scheduled on this trip.