Meara, did you ever schedule a Sayulita trip? I want to go but I can only go sometime during 22-31 march. Any chance it's a possibility ?
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
That's totally a possibility because I haven't scheduled a dang thing, and was just talking about it with Pix last night. I will look into things, but that's a very likely time. (Anyone else?)
That's cool that its even a possibility. Keep me in mind as (if) planning goes forward.
I'm in! Especially after this week. I don't have any hard date conflicts in March.
Okay, now I'm REALLY tempted. ND wouldn't be able to join me, though, so I probably shouldn't ditch him.
Oh, man, I wish I could go. I bet that'll be when the SO is touring next. But I'd have the dog.
Ok, I will start looking into everything Friday/this weekend. I want to see when the place I stayed last year is available (it was pretty sweet) or if there's anything more awesome. It would be kind of interesting to be there for Easter weekend!
I'm torn. I'd love to go, but I'm not sure what the expenses would be like. Plus, I don't have a passport and I know it takes a while to get one.
Well, this place looks amazing (it's three apartments that rent separately--they're available at different times, but looks like it would have to be the first week of April)
Some alternate suggestions..mostly looks like Easter week is all booked up, though.