Well, I've still not seen Dr Horrible, so although I'm generally well-disposed to it, it remains abstract. Whereas I actually sat down a few months ago and started making lists of what would go into OMWF goodie bags. And the songs are one of my Happy Places; my room mate and I used to duet to OMWF of an evening in Cairo, while getting ready to go out. So I'd happily attend a Dr Horrible singalong, but have no thoughts about organising one.
eta (Just back from the first night of our 2-night Grease singalong extravaganza. MUCH fun! And I ate lots of apple pie, in honour of Dean Winchester, and noted far too many similarities between Danny Zuko and Dean. [Also I had a sudden attack of Avatar nostalgia each time somone said "Zuko!"] Funniest part of the evening may have been when I noticed the array of toppings the Thai staff had provided for the American-style ice cream sundae bar: peanuts, pineapple slices, croutons and sweetcorn. And caramel sauce. Ah, Thailand.)