Ooh, IcompletelyON, I was going to warn Jilli against watching last night's Colbert Report if she hasn't already seen it! There are tarantulas crawling on Stephen's arm and head !!
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
Oh dear. I was laughing too hard at Stephen's discomfort to consider how that might affect Jilli.
I don't usually watch the Colbert Report, but thank you for the warning!
Back to the Underground Tour: if I tag along for it, I can point out the areas (if you climbed past a retaining wall and went about a block) where Oh So Gother-Than-Thou types would hold secret parties. Because nothing earns you GothPoints like clambering around decaying buildings while wearing a velvet dress, carrying a glass of red wine, and smoking a clove cigarette.
Because nothing earns you GothPoints like clambering around decaying buildings while wearing a velvet dress, carrying a glass of red wine, and smoking a clove cigarette.
And, yet, I find the image charming.
Actually, with no petticoats, I find the idea appealing for a random summer evening.
Cass, I elect you Official Tour Guide for Gordito's.
You know you want to do it.
Mmm, all your chicken quesadilla are belong to ME!
Do I have to share?
Don't wanna share.
Given the size of the portions, I would recommend it or you will 'splode.
That's ... actually a good point. Gordito's for everyone!
That's ... actually a good point. Gordito's for everyone!
Tiny American flags for some!
Because nothing earns you GothPoints like clambering around decaying buildings while wearing a velvet dress, carrying a glass of red wine, and smoking a clove cigarette.
I wish these were my plans for the evening. Srsly.
I wanna do the "10 Things I Hate About You" tour - giant troll, paintball, and the world's most ornate high school!
Okay, I'm kidding. I'll settle for underground and climbing things.
eta which means I'm planning on coming if at all possible, and I think amyth is, too. we've put it on the work calendar.