Yesterday I got to meet Gerard Way and give him a copy of my book. And get a photo with him! (It's posted in LJ.) Right now I'm sitting next to P-C in some sort of XBox panel, because the next panel is the Gerard Way one.
ComicCon has been fun so far. Tiring, but fun.
Whee, Jilli! You must have been so chuffed. Was there flailing?
Oh, I bet G-Way flailed like a mofo.
I managed to remain calm and coherent. Pete gave him one of his business cards, and Mikey Way looked at the back and exclaimed "Baron Sengir!" Yes, the Way brothers
geeks, bless 'em.
At the Gerard Way panel, Gerard said that the project he and Mikey are working on is a Twlight/MCR crossover slash fic. I thought I was going to hurt myself laughing.
Now, the Ray Bradbury panel!
I just finished unpacking from F2F. Can i get my lazy card stamped now?
I still have some f2f laundry at the bottom of the hamper. I just cleaned my prom dress today.
At the Gerard Way panel, Gerard said that the project he and Mikey are working on is a Twlight/MCR crossover slash fic. I thought I was going to hurt myself laughing.
OMG, that's the funniest thing I've heard in yonks.
And go you, Jilli! ::scurries to lj::
In impending Dooom news, Powell's in Portland has only 5 available copies of Gothic Charm School remaining for the signing on Thursday. The phone representative was unimpressed when i exhorted her to order more as there might be riots.
Powell's in Portland
I'll alert my family. My sister spends enough there to be known by the staff; I think she can stir up a panic.