Hey Massachusetts peeps! Since JenK will be leaving our coast for the other one, we are having a farewell send off with beer. This Thursday, 6ish till whenever, at River Gods in Cambridge (outside of Central Square.) Let me know if you can go or if you have any questions!
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
Hey Massachusetts peeps! Since JenK will be leaving our coast for the other one, we are having a farewell send off with beer. This Thursday, 6ish till whenever, at River Gods in Cambridge (outside of Central Square.) Let me know if you can go or if you have any questions!
I'm almost certain to be there. Is that on Mass Ave, or is it outside of Central in a different direction?
I'm going to write a tease of an idea here for future F2F. Tease, as in, I do not know all the details.
The gal I'm seeing is somehow linked with travel in a side job or some such. But she tells me there are ways of getting into time share condo's with OUT having to actually BUY into timeshare condo's, or sit through the 3 hour lecture. And one of those is the Disney Boardwalk in Orlando. Something about a condo that easily sleeps 8 for $500/WEEK or something in that range. I think it was 3 bedrooms and pull out couch. So maybe folks get the rooms, and we leave pull out couches for last minute folks? But that price range for a WEEK just seems ridiculously cheap, compared to $169/night.
Just an idea to look into, maybe instead of hotel? Or, would that be too hard to coordinate, what with the herding of cats and all. Anyhow, just throwing out an idea. If we like, I'll pester her with more details and web clickies.
How cool is that?!?!
o_a - I'm totally behind that plan!
The NY Post video was surprisingly on-message. Only one idiot in the whole piece -
ETA: You have to sit through a 30 second commercial. Sorry about that.
Those are both wonderful!
Without having clicked through yet, I'm going to gues...the guy with the giant gold monacle and the fake English accent?
...the guy with the giant gold monacle and the fake English accent?
He looked fantastic but MAN did I want to tie him up and give him lessons.
Um, voice lessons. You know, for his accent.
I swears...