Jilli, I think if you told him about the day you lit water on fire he'd be utterly charmed. Particularly if is brother was there.
Do. Not. Give. Them. Ideas.
I, personally, believe Jilli. She's a million kinds of calm in these situations.
(I expect texting!)
the location that got people excited was Salem
I checked into that last time the East Coast came around but the hotel situation was more limited (2 main ones in town) and pricier than what we usually go for. But who knows...
Stunthusband would rapidly find his misanthropy would have him running screaming from the horrifying over-stuffed convention.
And this is precisely why I won't be going, probably ever. The one Dragon*Con I attended and last year's New York Comic Con totally cured me of wanting to go to horrifying over-stuffed cons.
I might be willing to coordinate a Richmond F2F. Of course, I'd love a Charlottesville F2F, but we have a teeny airport. It costs more to fly into and out of than Richmond, which is a hub.
And speaking of which, what's the airport sitch with Worcester? Or is that in the link?
::goes to look::
And speaking of which, what's the airport sitch with Worcester?
All I know is it has 10 colleges
t /obscure NE driving references
I checked into that last time the East Coast came around but the hotel situation was more limited (2 main ones in town) and pricier than what we usually go for. But who knows...
And just black out ANY time after September through early November (you know, just after Halloween). Summers have started getting awful too though. And the usual May time frame runs into Salem State College graduation.
It would need to be WAY off (any given) season here to work.
Mailed my check today to pay my last F2F bill. I winced -- but I still think it was very much worth it. Thanks for the good company, the good conversations, and all the entertainment.
Do. Not. Give. Them. Ideas.
I wasn't suggesting she and the Ways TRY it!!!!
There are certain people that you cannot *say* things like, "Ooh you can light water on fire" and not expect them to immediately want to do it themselves. It's just ... compulsive. Jilli's still bitter I had a kitchen fire without her.
Jilli's still bitter I had a kitchen fire without her.
And that should tell you how high the wrongness levels are RIGHT THERE.
Sure, but you might say "*I* can light fire on water!" and end up a minor character in a comic about odd superheroes NOW MIGHTENEN YOU?