It won't interfere with Jilli's signing, that's on Friday. It, however, overlaps with the start of my signing for Magic.
What this means is that Jilli will not have adult supervision. I am... underwhelmed.
So Gerard won't be able to come until the end? Maybe you guys can work something out.
The thought of Jilli and Gerard bonding over a nice Sumatran dark roast is delightful.
Right until he dumps CoffeeMate into it.
We can talk about vampire books! And eyeliner! And I can tell him how pretty and talented his wife is!
Not me! I'm trying to think of clever schemes.
Jilli, I think if you told him about the day you lit water on fire he'd be utterly charmed. Particularly if is brother was there.
Just them?
Personally, I believe Jilli totally!
No, really!
I am different than his teenage fanbase, thankyouverymuch.
And this is why I think you actually have a shot at some face time with him.
So if it turns out that Gerard has read Jilli's book, and asks for an autograph, will she spontaneously combust?
forgot I came in here to post something...
I kinda didn't get the f2f withdrawal you guys were talking about. I mean I was sad it was over but I wasn't feeling actual pangs or anything... until D came home and I mentioned that I had been playing Guitar Hero and gotten very warm and that's why "the costume change" happened... and I was transported back to prom and my chest started aching and my brain went all lolcat
must have f2f naow!
and now I get it and I also understand what Drew meant by f2f addiction.
So uh. Next year, Worcester?
Wow, Worcester, eh?? Is that a random place suggestion or was it discussed in Seattle? Either way, I wholeheartedly support it!