Did anyone else's checked bags get TSA-searched? I found a nice little "We have searched your bag" notice underneath the first layer. I hadn't even noticed that the tell-tale on the lock had been tripped
No, but I did find out on my trip back from Seattle that a CPAP is a highly dangerous device that needs a special scan and needs to be re-run through the x-ray (insert ironic quotes as needed). I guess this isn't the case going from Boston to Seattle since they didn't mention it or remotely look twice at my baggage. I suspect the luggage check was part of the reason I completely lost track of Brenda and Sail at the terminal.
CPAP devices are listed at most of the airports I fly through as items that must be removed from carryon baggage the same as laptops, full size video game consoles, and tape based video cameras.
I just might spend too much time clearing security.
What about money clips? My money clip slowed me down. They had to go through my little butt-bag, take out the money clip (hand me my cash, but not credit cards) and rescan it. Yes, it prevented me from buying water/burger before getting on the plane, as it was I missed pre-boarding. No, what makes you think I'm bitter about it?
Omnis's bag is my bag.
You have a tux too? Crap. That was 42.2 pounds. Fed Ex will love me.
My bag got searched by TSA on the way to Seattle. I think that's the 2nd or 3rd time overall it's happened to me in the past four/five years and I take on average one plane trip a year, which isn't a lot. But, I've no idea how many bags out of any flight get searched, so I don't know if that number is normal or if they're out to get me.
Hayao Miyasaki will be at SDCC.
Aaaand for his next movie, I'm seeing a charming goth heroine with a top hat and stripey tights accompanied by a fanged bunny...
Wouldn't it be a cartoon about a fanged bunny and his stripey top-hatted minion?
Yes, I believe that Laga has it right.
Perhaps it will be about a big-eyed Lily Bean and her adventures with a fanged bunny and his stripey top-hatted minion.
This cartoon is now running in my head in every shade of pink & black.
theme song: Grimly Fiendish