My, it's been a while since I posted here.
Last Saturday was *brilliant*. I got to snark and dance and see people who only existed as pixels! And see the adorable Mathilda and Lillian show! They danced! It was To Die For.
I have begun using "polar bear!" at work (usually in context of game developers). It's caused many an o.O face at me. (Given that I'm older than *everyone on the team*, including my boss, my boss' boss, and HIS boss, I'm used to this.)
And now the StuntWife is out of town with her RealHusband and I don't want to go dancing alone; I want more Prom!
Harrumph. East coast next year, eh? I haven't been to the east coast in 9 years. *ponders*
Thank you for making me feel very welcome at prom, even given my limited lurky-ness here. The fact that I ended up with SA talking Trek (both slash and non) for about 20 minutes in the middle - totally par-for-the course.
At least no-one asked me about Tolkien. Oy.
So glad that you had a good time and that you came and joined us. I'm thrilled I finally got to meet you!
Oh. Heh. I could have told Paul he could talk to you about JRR!
So I'm at a party right now, and I keep wanting to walk up to people and hug them at random. Dude.
I forget that everyone isn't us.
@omnis - I almost answered "We do indeed", but I have concerns that would be a line in this week's Improper Context Theater.
@Plei - you should NOT. I don't enjoy the sound of my own voice *that* much - REASONS HUSH!
@Noise - and me, you!
I keep wanting to walk up to people and hug them at random. Dude. I forget that everyone isn't us.
I know. We're lovely. Everybody should be us.
So I'm at a party right now, and I keep wanting to walk up to people and hug them at random. Dude. I forget that everyone isn't us.
I think you misspelled "snog" in there somewhere.
Help me come up with reasons why D wants to come with me to the book signing tomorrow.
Because it is way fun. Seriously, Jilli is entertaining. and even if goth is not on your rader , it can be a really interesting glimpse into people that think other than you. and in a place where you have permission to ask questions. and Jilli and pete won''t be the only pretty people there.
We just got back from the signing. fun, but I'm glad we didn't go out after. We had two or three accidents that we had to avoid.