I think it's always nice to buy one at the store that is supporting our tour.
This was my theory. (Along with there being a zillion people in Seattle and I want to represent Portland, yo.) I didn't buy a copy at the opening, but will at Powell's. Also because given the choice between local and chain, I'd like to think I'd remember to buy local.
Unless Gordito's opens other branches. I'd be all over that being a chain.
They have 28 copies, according to the woman who answered the phone.
My local B&N had 3 copies and I bought 2.
Excellent, will buy one there.
Thanks, Perkins.
Here's hoping we sell out again.
I will gladly paypal someone to buy me a copy at one of the signings. I could order it online but I'd rather support the places that are having Jilli and Pete come in. And having the book signed, well, that's just a huge bonus.
I picked up another copy at the Bellingham B&N today, and told the woman at customer service who trekked me through the store to find it (lifestyles, bottom shelf, but faced out) that she should be hand-selling it, and it should be in "New in Paperback" at the front of the store. The cashier looked it over with interest, and I gushed a bit and suggested she take a closer look and possibly put it someplace more prominent in the store. I doubt the conversation stayed with the customer service woman longer than my back stayed in her sight, but the cashier looked interested. We can but hope.
Jilli, I'ma collect an autograph at some point when most of the launch-and-promote crazy is done, is that okay?
Yeah - our B&N was carrying it in "Cultural Studies" and nowhere near the front of the store.
Borders it was on the paperback favorites shelf. Not the one facing the door but still.
Even if you know where it is, asking a staff member to help find it is a good way of alerting them to its existence.
Even if you know where it is, asking a staff member to help find it is a good way of alerting them to its existence.
Very much this. At the chains, individual store staff don't determine what section a book can go in -- that's decided at corporate headquarters, long before it's even published. The bit of control they do have is staff picks/recommendations shelves and the stuff they recommend to people who walk up and ask them. So talk it up!
(I get a little kneejerky when I see people griping at the booksellers because they don't like where the book is shelved. The bookseller may very well agree with you, as most of them, you know, like books. (I also get completely ballistic at people cleverly moving stuff, which I'll note that nobody has done in this conversation.))