Great pictures, O Scola!
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I would just like to state that the degree of hitting it offedness of L & M is freakish in the extreme.
It's like that first face to face, where we all were like, OMG, MY PEOPLE! only in preschooler.
My room key suddenly stopped working and when I was in the lobby I found out one of the hotel staff is very excited the buffistas are here. He's apparently a big Buffy fan.
are there any altertnatives to hotel parking?
Not that I know of. We didn't rent a car this time because of the parking costs. There are street parking options if you drive around long enough, apparently, but Pete might be a good one to ask about that.
Also, YAY! LOVE MY PEOPLE. Excellent day.
There are street parking options if you drive around long enough, apparently, but Pete might be a good one to ask about that.
Not really. I've parked in street parking that become free at 6pm. There are parking garages around but I don't think an overnight stay is going to be much cheaper in any of those. I could be wrong, but when do I ever park downtown overnight?
The frail vehicle of the English language is inadequate to expressing how UNBEFUCKINGLIEVABLY CUTE the Matilda-and-Lily show is. I mean, we are talking infuckingsane levels of cuteness, seriously - MAJOR cute. Huge big fluffy skirts and all that, and sparkly shoes, and adorability. Matilda had a minor meltdown at dinner, 'cause she was tired and overwhelmed, and I was just slain watching wee Lilian's disconsolate wee face, and the sorrowful glances she shot at the other high chair once it had been vacated, after Matilda had gone upstairs with JZ to the less intimidating environs of the Hospitality Suite.
Awww, poor Lillian. JZ told me Matilda had missed her nap because there was just too much fun stuff going on, so I'm not surprised there was the melting down.
Oh well, Matilda wakes up in Lily's house and they start over with the big fun and hand holding.
They've found their peeps.
Thanks to all who are posting pictures. I miss you all so much.
Is anyone else have I really bad stomach thing today. Or does my body just really hate me? I just threw up.
{{sj}} Travel, excitement, being on left coast time. I hope you can get some more rest and feel better. (btw, I love your hair in the pictures, very pretty)