Oh, and all F2Fers who don't have rooms on 10 or 11 need to go to the front desk and get your keys encoded to be able to access our HS. Also? Pete just informed us that there is, in fact, a hot tub in the HS. Woot!
We can order drinks to be delivered or you can bring up your own. ND and I currently have Jilli, Pete, Fay, laga, and omnis, AIFG!
Now we have all those people plus dcp, Plei,and Juliana!
SA and Vortex and I got food and are watching So You Think You Can Dance on my TiVo.
It is more awesome with other people to bounce thoughts off.
Hey, juliana's number is wrong on the list, so I will be sending out an update.
We have eaten and are collapsing into jet lag comas.
We have had our first noise complaint. Yay?
What was it about? Gerard Way?
Nooooo. We had the door cracked a bit, and were apparently a bit too loud.