I may wimp out and get a cab to the hotel - I'll have been traveling for quite a while and may not be up to wrestling with higher functions, such as figuring out which bus/shuttle will get me near the hotel and then FINDING the hotel.
I still remember years ago flying in to SeaTac and watching a woman go down the line of cabs trying to find a driver that would let her smoke in the cab.
(noon Friday) is welcome to share the ride.
Ooo! Zenkitty! I'm arriving right around then. Yay!
Has anyone heard whether or not Fay was able to get on a plane?
I thought you were, smonster! We'll find each other at baggage claim, I'm sure. It'd be weird if we're on the same flight.
A more expensive but cushy route is the TownCar service that the hotel runs - $50 flat rate, but they have carseats.
Shuttle bus info is here: [link]
The Seattle Airport website is very helpful in all manner of things.
I want a drunk dial from Prom like the one we did to juliana last year!!
Be careful what you wish for....
Okay, everyone should have it by now. I sent it in small batches as to avoid spam filters. I wanted to do the uploading thing, but had technical glitches (thanks craptastic work computer!) grrr. TECHNOLOGY FAIL!!!
okay - it'slike deja vu all over again! back in airport, bagin hand, typing into dodgy airport terminal interrnet linkthing. i'm really loathetosay so far sogood, because i feel like the univerrse is goingto go all minear on my assif it realises i'm hving another go.
however- have new ticket, have sent peeves details, nobody at check-inmade any dangerwill robinson type noises... fingers crossed.
fingers crossed on this side of the ocean for a smooth trip, Fay!
GRRRR! I stayed at work until 6:05 so that I could print my boarding pass for my SF-Seattle flight. It wouldn't let me check in, I tried and tried. and then I figured it out -- it's not 6:05 IN CALIFORNIA WHERE I'M TAKING THE FLIGHT. facepalm total waste of time! Grrrr! and no boarding pass. Now, I know that it's not that big of a deal, but I just feel more comfortable with a boarding pass. Now I'm going to have to come into the office (a 5 minute trip, but STILL) in the morning or late tonight to print my shit. GRRRRR!!!