We HAS RESERVATIONS for 11 people on Friday at 5:30. So that includes T + DH's last minute request.
I suspect we MIGHT be able to squeak in a 12th, but I can't guarantee.
I will call in Thursday to confirm, since I don't entirely trust my cell phone coverage once I'm in Seattle. If anyone needs to drop out, please post it here, but I really won't be able to check in much on Thursday - if it's Friday,maybe substitutes can be found. I don't do the laptop/travel computer thingee, so I may check in from work briefly (since I plan on dropping bags there for the day, even though I'm not working, technically).
I suspect they may have a big table, and the economy what it is, they may not have had anyone for it, especially at that early an hour.
We'll need to plan a meet-up strategy for sure, even if it's at the bar there. It's not a terribly long walk from the hotel, unless I'm mistaken.
ETA Warning: my definition of "not a terribly long walk" may not be everyone's.
BTW has anyone heard from Vortex recently? Among other things, she was compiling everybody's contact info to send out, and I haven't seen anything on it, nor seen her in this thread.
Right here Frank. Info will go out on Wednesday.
Awesome. I can print it out before my flight. Thanks, Vortex!
Excellent. Looking forward to seeing you again.
Thanks, Frank! Is anyone going to the restaurant that will have a car TCG and I could catch a ride in? If not we'll probably call a cab because I suspect the walk would be too long for me.
I have no plans, and am assuming things will all sort themselves out once I'm there.
OMG!!! Must finish marking & things today - tomorrow I leave school at lunchtime and fly to America!!!!
::does crazy dance of guilty glee::