Jess, are you SURE you can't make it? SURE SURE?
I'm about 95% sure I can't make it. There's money issues, and also scheduling trickiness with DH's magazine - even if a lottery ticket fell in my lap tomorrow I still probably couldn't get on a plane until *really* late Friday night (and then come back on Sunday, so I'd basically be there for Prom and not much else).
t sad emoticon
I still probably couldn't get on a plane until *really* late Friday night (and then come back on Sunday, so I'd basically be there for Prom and not much else).
This is almost what I'm doing (I'll get there really late). So y'all better look good at this prom, yo.
I still have to try on my dress with my corset. If they don't look good together I have a big decision to make.
ND, keeping it classy.
Hi all. I'm posting from a loaner compooter. Mine went boom. Well, more like a death rattle, but boom is a nicer image. Just.
Just wear the corset.
ND, keeping it classy.
Garters too?
Poor Pete. Hope your 'pewter gets on the mend fast. Do you know what happened?
This corset is supposed to have detachable garters but I bought it second hand and it didn't have them.
Hope your 'pewter gets on the mend fast. Do you know what happened?
Oh, it's not mending. It'd dead. Fried logic board. I'm waiting until after the WWDC next week, and then I'm buying myself a new computer. I can't really afford it but I have no choice - this is what I do ALL my work on.