I'm paraphrasing the argument that swayed me when I was dithering between the f2f and fiscal responsibility...
20 years from now what will you rememeber, that you became fiscally responsible a couple months sooner, or that you attended one hell of a party?
Assuming you remember the party ....
Given the deadlines and all, looks like I won't be making it this year. ::weeps::
Boo! I'm finally going, and I want to meet EVERYONE!
Speaking of which, I finally got TCG to figure out how many days he could take off, and we booked the hotel from Thursday night until Monday morning.
Thanks, Frank! I was trying not to take killing the thread personally.
Thanks, Frank! I was trying not to take killing the thread personally.
Definitely don't. The response times on this thread are very intermittent.
Java cat, i tried to email you about sharing a room, dunno if spam filters ate me. you still looking for a roomie?
I'm thinking friday and saturday night, i'm still waiting on my gorrum work supervisors to tell me when my shift change is happening, but i give them 12 hours more before i just say screw it, i requested the days off and they darned well better not have a problem with it. So i'm late, but will send funds as soon as i figure out how to use paypal, and will make a reservation myself if i have to but really really really would like to be sharing a room!
Juliana, I'll send my chip-in Paypay to you this Friday.
No smonster at F2F?
t weeps and weeps and weeps some more