They might! I only am really aware of what you can see in front of your face, thus my awareness of the shoe testing range.
If you do decide to make a trip there, don't eat at the World Wraps. Grab real food at one of the places across the street.
'Harm's Way'
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
They might! I only am really aware of what you can see in front of your face, thus my awareness of the shoe testing range.
If you do decide to make a trip there, don't eat at the World Wraps. Grab real food at one of the places across the street.
I'd be interested in kayaking, if it's calm water & casual.
Any kayaking people would do in the city proper would probably be on Lake Washington. Which is pretty placid.
Buffista BBQ sounds excellent.
I'm only good for an hour max. at REI, probably.
The underground tour sounds interesting.
I did the underground tour years ago -- as in Matt and I were ust starting to ate. and we've been married 20 years. it was amazing. I made Matt read the books I bought
It's not that it's far, it's just that there are multiple pain in the ass roads to cross to get to REI from the Space Needle, including Highway 99.
Yeah, that's the same awful pedestrian-unfriendly area as that one hotel next to a Whole Foods was. Also, there's a monstrous hill to climb. Not good.
Horrible Fucking Building That Deserves To Be Sporked: the fucking Central fucking Library. Ghastly, appalling, already-dated-looking-piece-of-crap.
Huh. I quite like the building. Well, the exterior. Never stepped foot in it.
Oh, and hey! I was thinking I should mention that I'm totally up for a Buffista BBQ at my house, if anyone's up for that.
What day were you thinking?
I dunno. Any of 'em.
The interior looks like ass. Let us put it this way: even I am against the way they used LIME.
I was there the lat time I was in seattle. I got dizzy in the red hall .
I have a lot to say about Seattle for some place I've been to twice -- for short visits.
But when I first saw it , it was one of the places I could see myself living in.
I am whole-heartedly in on underground tour, BBQ, kayaking (or any other water-based sports!!).
Will probably bow out of REI mothership, we has a couple here which are sufficient for my needs :)
Not gonna be able to pack my bicycle into the trunk (my trunk is not that large, and already packed with junk, thankyouverymuch) and i have an aversion to rented bicyles, so that's out.
Oooooh, so excited!!!!
or any other water-based sports!!careful there....