Damn it! You know what? I'm sick of this crap. I'm sick of being the guy who eats insects and gets the funny syphilis. As of this moment, it's over. I'm finished being everybody's butt monkey!

Xander ,'Lessons'

F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us

Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.

Calli - Nov 10, 2019 3:22:02 pm PST #12483 of 12552
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

And they got me on another one, so I'm in Chicago and have consumed something called malort.

aurelia - Nov 10, 2019 6:07:54 pm PST #12484 of 12552
All sorrows can be borne if you put them into a story. Tell me a story.

Boy you are jumping into the Chicago experience! How long are you here?

Calli - Nov 11, 2019 4:32:36 am PST #12485 of 12552
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

Just until this afternoon. I had a 7:30 flight, which was canceled because O'Hare*. But they got me on a 4:00 one with a stop in Detroit. Even if I got stuck there I have family who would put me up.

*Yes, it's snowing. But it's Chicago. That should not be an issue. And, let's face it, "because O'Hare" is an explanation for a lot of flying-related stuff.

Susan W. - Nov 14, 2019 3:17:22 pm PST #12486 of 12552
Good Trouble and Righteous Fights

Is anyone else planning to be at Geek Girl Con in Seattle this weekend?

Vortex - Dec 08, 2019 4:22:03 pm PST #12487 of 12552
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

Hey, Nilly and Shir! A friend/co-worker is moving to Haifa in December/January to work on a kibbutz.. Was wondering if I could share your contact info with him?

Shir - Dec 08, 2019 10:02:04 pm PST #12488 of 12552
"And that's why God Almighty gave us fire insurance and the public defender".

Sure, Vortex! Profile addy is good. Haifa is awesome!

Dana - Jan 15, 2020 10:35:35 am PST #12489 of 12552
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."


I will be in the area for two consecutive weekends: first a family wedding and then a fan con. My plan is to just stay there and do whatever work I have remotely. This does mean that I'm looking for a place to stay from Feb 16-20 (Sunday-Thursday). Does anyone have available crash space? I do not need to be entertained or fed or transported anywhere. (If you have animals, I might insist on petting them.)

Pix - Jan 15, 2020 4:32:51 pm PST #12490 of 12552
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie

Dana, we will be out of town until the night of the 18th, so I don't think we can help as much as usual. We could offer you a place to crash the night of the 19th if that helps.

Laga - Jan 26, 2020 7:43:20 am PST #12491 of 12552
You should know I'm a big deal in the Resistance.

If the stars align, I would like to set off across the US in August bringing tabletop RPGs to anyone from absolute novices to Dungeon Masters who just want a night off. I would be traveling from New England to Colorado on the first trip and after that it's all up to how many people I can get to fund this incredible dream.

For sure (if it all works out) I will be in Denver August 27th-31st celebrating my parents' 60th wedding anniversary. I would love to see as many buffistas as I possibly can (whether in game or out) Will GM for food and a spot on your couch.

Calli - Jan 31, 2020 2:19:48 pm PST #12492 of 12552
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

I understand this is where we're posting good wishes for Javachick. Javachick, I'm so sorry about the health issues Pix posted in Beep me. I hope by the time you read this you are well on your way to recovery.